Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bigelf Blazes at the Whisky

Back to the Whisky for the final act of the evening at that locale, the glorious guitar-laden rock of Los Angeles’ own Bigelf. Opening with a doom-driven synth that smoothly segued into a spooky, carnivalesque fugue followed by a burst of monolithic metal guitar, booming bass and classic drum runs…yep, this is a Bigelf show, all right! Surrounded by an array of keyboards, frontman Damon Fox was whirling like a veritable dervish, punctuating his manic two-handed dual keyboard runs with vocal gymnastics of the highest order…the glow from camera phones below my balcony perch almost eclipses the light from the stage. Long regarded as forefathers of the LA stoner-rock scene, it would be nice to see their new release on Linda Perry’s Custard Records, Cheat the Gallows, bring them the attention they so richly deserve after more than a decade of slugging it out in the trenches of the oft-times treacherous Tinseltown scene. Perhaps new single “Money, It’s Pure Evil” will turn the trick; it was certainly a show-stopping finale tonight!

1 comment:

  1. WAY WAY WAY overdue. All record company employees must die for letting Bigelf float since '92 in a oversaturated Disney music sea where many bands have stolen their music, act and vibe. GODAMN! it's upsetting.
